Mental Fitness. The Secret and Benefits in 5 minutes.

Image credit — Julentto Photography — Unsplash

So, what is Mental Fitness?

According to Mental Fitness Explained by a CBT Psychologist — Starling Minds is defined as a state of well-being and having a positive sense of how we feel, think, and act, like how physical fitness refers to the ability of your body systems to work together efficiently to allow you to be healthy and perform activities of daily living.

We all understand the physiological benefits that arise from exercise. At least I hope we do. However, can you train your brain? Is there a gym membership or an online session I need to engage with? The rise in Mental Health issues globally particularly depression and anxiety from being caged in our houses for the best part of two years has demanded a rethink on how we manage our emotional health. But how do we achieve this optimal mental state in just 5 minutes? Let’s get started.


Not only will this provide you with access to new information, knowledge, and insights. It will sharpen your focus, clarity and help you communicate better. For those who access any of the world’s largest social media platforms, you will often discover this marketing hook:

5 books that will change your life today.

Got Ya. Curiosity alone will drive you to click the link. There may be stories that can change someone’s life. How do you feel that you have consumed the pages in nonfiction stories? Some emotions will connect you with the author. Why? You have experienced some of the challenges and victories that made you purchase it in the first place. I read stories daily on topics and people who share interests, values, and beliefs like mine. It’s how you connect and build your tribe.

Make strong connections.

Loneliness has ended many lives. The core purpose of the human condition is to belong. Be authentic and talk about things you care about. The people you wish to build relationships with always migrate toward one another. Finding common ground is crucial in developing meaningful connections. Do not follow the masses and get embroiled in bullshit conversations to fit in. People are drawn to those who have something of value that will make their lives better. Is your message one that can be amplified and bring happiness to others? Start using the voice.

“Happiness can be found in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light.”

-Albus Dumbledore


For those who say I haven’t got time is absolute nonsense. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. Are you saying you can’t find 30 minutes to move your body at home, get outside and walk, swim, jog, cycle, mow the grass, do some housework or God forbid spend time doing activities with your kids? Looking after your physical body contributes massively to your mental well-being. How do you feel after exercise? The dopamine has you full of confidence and ready to attack the day. This isn’t rocket science. Listen to what your body is telling you.

“Exercise is the most potent and undervalued antidepressant.”

-Bill Phillips

Take time out.

Life gets bumpy. The thoughts can get into hyperdrive all too quickly. Pick your challenge; kids, relationships, family, work colleagues, finance, visiting doctors, health scares I could go continue. There are so many easy activities you can do in 5 minutes I could write a whole article on it. So, we stay on the mission I will let you in on my secret. Don’t tell anyone else. At the start of every day, I sit down and breathe. How powerful is that?

I don’t meditate as I find the process difficult. What matters to me becomes very clear when I have the space and freedom to just sit in my own head space. It’s now a habit so I never miss it. To understand yourself you need to make time for the inner work. Self-awareness is paramount for growth.

Time for Resilience

Where do I even begin on this one? How many times have you got slapped to the floor? Adversity, failures, challenge, obstacles, and overcoming is how we develop mental toughness. Rising after a fall is one of the most educational and transformative journeys you can undertake. You’ve got to do the work to realise its teachings. What did you learn in the struggle? Can you communicate the learnings to others?

I write articles using the name: The Resilient Irishman. For those who read the stories, you will understand why. Real life shit that has been tackled with lessons for all to consume. No part of the world hasn’t felt pain, misery, heartache, suffering, trauma, or death. Put yourself in uncomfortable situations. Evolving is painful and that’s why many resist it. The body responds to new stimuli. As the wise man once said:

“Do shit that challenges you.”

Get started today.

Not tomorrow or Monday, or the start of June. Today. These are simple steps we can all start with no cost, hassle, or excuses. The secret is consistency, self-determination, discipline, and routine. I really should be charging fees for these knowledge bombs. Just kidding. Beginning a mental fitness program requires the same mindset as embarking on a physical one. However, the time is worth it. Do you not want to feel calmer, react with more patience, develop resolve, manage stress, and understand triggers?

What are you sitting reading this for then? Move your ass.

“True enjoyment is from the activity of the mind and exercise of the body; the two are ever united.”

-Wilhelm Von Humboldt



Michael J Mc Cusker - Self-Leadership Specialist

Host of the Lived Experience Series Podcast on Spotify, Self-Leadership author, Education Advisory, Social Change Impact, and Consultant. Proud Father.