How to Build Influence from a Position of Zero

Image credit Spencer Davis — Unsplash

The world has changed, so must you

In the 1994 movie Shawshank Redemption Andy Dufresne walks across the prison yard to interrupt a game of catch involving other inmates. The focus of his attention is Ellis Red Redding a life sentence prisoner who holds significant influence due to his ability as a connector. Approaching Red with the determination and courage to access a piece of equipment he states the following:

“I understand you’re a man who knows how to get things.”

How did Red get into this position and why is that relevant today?

Examine any industry and you will discover the “movers.” These are individuals who are at the core of making things happen, connecting others with their networks, utilising social capital, influencing, and most importantly adding value to those who engage with them. Relationships are central to gaining access to their inner circle. This requires trust to be developed over time. Approaching them with an offer to help you fast track towards your outcomes is viewed with suspicion.

Be prepared to not pass go. Apologies to burst all that enthusiasm and motivation to access riches as quickly as a dominos delivery. Unfortunately, this is a process you must commit to with discipline, consistency, and the mindset to learn new skills. So just how do I do this from a standing start? Do you have access to a smartphone, laptop, and pen and paper? Then let’s begin.

Due to the rapid rise of technology getting your voice heard and building a presence can be achieved through various communication channels, social media apps, audio platforms, and a willingness to create noise. To help you navigate the myriad of choices available and cut through a lot of the bullshit you will find online from the latest millionaire mentors there are avenues you can explore. These avenues do not require a budget that would rival some of the world’s greatest brands. All you need is patience, clarity, and focus to reach your goals. Ready? Start writing.


The mini device that connects us to every corner of the globe. Do you have something to share? One of the fastest ways possible is to start recording, promoting, and releasing short video clips. This doesn’t need a production budget, video editing, and sound engineers. All it requires is you. Take a breath I just watched your stomach hit the floor. Fear is what prevents us from acting. Questions will consume you from every direction. No need to list them. You have already thought about this before you started. Putting yourself out there to be judged is one of the hardest steps you can walk. However, if you want to reach others with your message this must form part of your toolkit.

“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”

-Ralph Waldo Emerson


Select a genre and you will find information, knowledge, insights, and conversations across numerous podcast platforms. The global pandemic acting as a catalyst for people to connect outside of normal human contact. Podcasters with little to no experience began adapting, learning, and dedicating time and effort to skill acquisition. Opportunities at minimal to no cost began to become available. Anchor FM which is now Spotify for Podcasters due to its success during this period offered a how-to guide that had people hooked. You are reading a story from the producer and host of The Lived Experience Series | Podcast on Spotify

How does that make you feel? Do the work and get the results. I’ve grown one of the most successful podcasts in the justice space across the U.K. and Ireland. The guests cover academia, 3rd sector leadership, research and is overflowing with testimonies of change. Feel free to listen at your leisure.


What began as scribbled notes in a journal (another pandemic hobby) has formed into publishing content on this platform. The founders of the platform wanted to provide access to ideas from anyone. At a low cost of £8 per month for membership, it’s not breaking the monthly outgoings in terms of excess spending. I began publishing stories all non-fiction when the ideas and passion were burning holes in my subconscious. Que the behaviour changes as the confidence and habits began to mould in conjunction with other interests.

“You cannot change what you are, only what you do.”

-Phillip Pullman


One of my favourite tools to stretch the creative juices. Ready-made templates that provide themes to almost anything you need for £10.99 per month. Trusted and used by some of the world’s top companies, influencers, and marketing teams to win contracts, communicate opportunities, engage consumers, and build credibility. These can be posted on almost all social media apps, and those who want to create inspiring content should already be honing their skills on its powerful capabilities.

Social Media

There in no room for evasion.. Even though there can be a dark side to consuming it for hours on end, avoiding it will leave you stranded in the space you want to be seen. Each app comes with its own USP and functionality. I’m no expert so you will have to do some research on which one serves you best. The key to building a tribe or community is to respond to conversations or share content that others find valuable, educational, or makes them curious. Review the top trends and if there’s something you connect with, get those fingers moving.

At the outset of this piece, I posed the question; why is a skillset of a character in a 1994 movie relevant today? The use of the word — “connector” was the secret sauce. Humans are attracted to people who make them feel part of a community, providing them with belonging, purpose, and the opportunity to remain congruent with their values. They build influence and authority through putting themselves out there, raising awareness, and increasing visibility through their actions which I’ve mapped out above. What are you waiting for?

“Time is an equal opportunity employer. Each human being has the same number of hours and minutes every day. Rich people can’t buy more hours. Scientists can’t invent new minutes. And you can’t save time to spend it on another day. Even so, time is amazingly fair and forgiving. No matter how much time you’ve wasted in the past, you still have an entire tomorrow.”

-Denis Waitley



Michael J Mc Cusker - Self-Leadership Specialist

Host of the Lived Experience Series Podcast on Spotify, Self-Leadership author, Education Advisory, Social Change Impact, and Consultant. Proud Father.